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Bill Evans Interview

  • Bill Evans interviewed by Steve Hillis, May 1980, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa

  • Produced by Gordon Paulsen, KCCK 88.3 FM , Cedar Rapids, IA

  • Click here  to hear the entire interview (36 min, 21 MB)

In October, 1979, the Bill Evans Trio performed at Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.  Before that performance I invited Bill to come to my house afterwards.  After the performance Bill and his drummer, Joe LaBarbara came over  and visited for a couple of hours.  Bill and Joe were going to drive to Chicago that night to catch a flight back to New York and had some time "to kill", in Bill's words.  They were both very personable and enjoyable to talk with.  I discussed taking lessons with Bill (he said to just give Helen Keane, his manager, a call), but unfortunately he died a year later and I never had that opportunity.

I was quite pleased when I later heard that the group would be performing the following spring at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa.  At that time I was teaching jazz at the college as an adjunct faculty member.  After the concert, Gordon Paulsen from KCCK 88.3 FM (an excellent jazz station) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, asked me if I would be willing to interview Bill.  I agreed.  Thus we have this impromptu interview. 

In the interview I speak first, followed by Bill.  Sometimes Gordon will also ask a question. 

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